Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Winter Blues

When the weather is nice, Alex and I hike a lot. We love to get out into the woods and explore with our kids. We are the kind of people who turn over rocks, pick up bugs or snakes, and end up on all fours repeatedly! We love to take photos of everything; it is not uncommon for us to return from a hike of a mile or two and realize we have taken 200 pictures!

Right not it is in the teens outside and hiking is not on our agenda. However, it is nice to go through pictures from last summer and fall and find little gems we might not have noticed before. It gives me something to look forward to in the spring and helps to take the edge off the cabin fever.

This picture of a duck was taken not far from out house. It was late winter or early spring. I remember we saw Canada Geese that had goslings that day. It was cool but still. I was most interested in snapping pictures of the geese who were not enthused at being subjects of my photos. Then we hiked on a little farther and stumbled across this lone mallard. When I snapped the photo I didn't think it would be anything special. I got home and put it ono the computer and I could see every tree reflected in that murky water - I knew it was the prize of the day.

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